I when to watched Enchanted last night because it looked like one of those feel good movie with a sure happy ending. I love a happy ending cos you rarely get those in real life. Anyway, the movie did put a smile on my face. All Disney movies does that to you.
However being a believer that there is no such thing as a happily ever after, I must say I HAVE NOT CHANGE MY MIND. There is no happily ever after. So you finally meet that Prince Charming of yours & take that plunge of saying I DO. Do you think that Prince Charming of yours will be charming 3 years later??
It's great if you think he will but seriously, could life be that perfect? In the real

Bottom line is, it's great to want to believed in a fairy tale ending. Just don't expect McDreamy to come knocking on your door anytime soon ( but a McReality probably would).
Didn't you think that McDreamy's (who looked soooooo yummy!!)girlfriend was so ugly!!!!!
You're right..she is ugly. Almost witch like. I was shock when he opened the door!!!!
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