Yesterday, my friend and I decided to chilled for a while after work. So, off we go to this new lounge, all nice & cosy. After finding a place to sit & making ourself comfortable.....
Waitress: Are you ready to order your drinks now?
(me, whispering to my friend)
Me: Let's be adventures & drink an alcoholic beverages instead of our normal koka kola
Friend: OK...
(me to waitress)
Me: All righty then...I'll have a Screwdriver.
Friend: Yea, me too
Waitress: ok, 2 screwdriver coming up..(then proceed to walked towards the bartender)
A minute later...
Waitress: Excuse me miss...the bartender would like to ask.... What's a Screwdriver?
Now, you would think, being a bartender, no matter how inexperience you are, one is expected to know at least popular drinks like this. After all, why did your employer hired you at the first place....(unless of course it's nepotism)
My friend being a sarcastic person that she is, proceed to give instruction on how Screwdriver is being prepared...
Friend: Ok, you better write this down...

Cara-cara Membuat Screwdriver
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan.
1. Rock glass atau gelas batu
2. Ice cube atau ketulan ais
3. Orange juice atau jus oren
4. Vodka (preferably Smirnoff)
5. Orange slice as garnish atau hirisan oren (optional)
Mula-mula, letak beberapa ketulan ais ke dalam gelas. Seterusnya, masukkan 1/4 Vodka ke dalam gelas tadi. Campur bersama 3/4 jus oren kedalam gelas. Kacau sebati. Akhir sekali masukkan hirisan oren sebagai hiasan.
The End.
As she's writing the instruction down..
Waitress: ..........sebagai hiasan....OK, I'll go and tell the bartender now..(then off she went....)
After that clear simple instruction, one would expect to get their drink in no time but...
31 seconds later;
Waitress: Excuse me miss...We ran out of Orange Juice. MANGO JUICE can or not???
Friend & I: ??????!!!!!
Needless to say, after much deliberation, we end up ordering our good old koka kola. The first & the last time....
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