Monday, May 28, 2007


Why do men tend to think women who go clubbing are cheap sluts? Seriously!! Just because we drink & dance our ass off does not mean we're easy. In fact, we are far from easy cos I think those women that think they're too good to do all things they deem 'cheap' are much much easier then us.

Last Friday, my friend & I decided to hit the clubs as it's been a while since we had our ladies night together. So there we were, drinking our long island teas & flirting with this cute hunk when this good for nothing guy came to our place & had the nerve to grope my ass. Serious shit...he didn't even have the decency to say hi. Just GROPE it like it's his to begin with. Now you might think it could be an accident, but trust me when I say, I know how accident feels like. That was definitely groping. Anyways, I was too high at the time to care so I just grab my friend & decided to hit the dance floor & guess who followed us??!! The stupid perverted asshole!!! He strategically station himself behind me & (yup, you guess it) grope my ass again.

Now I was beginning to think perhaps there's a sign on my back that says, 'Grope My Ass' cos it can't be of all the assess there was at the club that night, my ass seem to be the one he's obsessing about. So I turn to him, gave him the biggest smile a woozy women could give & told him use his hands instead to shove his short dick up his own damn ass & go fuck himself!! (I think I said that loud enough that people standing around us can actually hear). Stupid guy didn't even wait for me to finish ........he just left, perhaps to find another ass to drool after.

Where do these guys came from??? Has it been that long since I've been out there that there's this new breed of guys that just do it, ask questions later. Groping ass is suppose to make me interested in you for some reason?! Is it a secret code I'm suppose to know?

'Ooooo.....that was nice of you to grope my ass. I'm interested in you too. Now can I grab your dick so that I can figure out your size then perhaps if I think your size is perfect, you can buy me a drink?'

The nerve of some fuck idiot!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Ultimate Thing to Ponder...

Why is money never enough?

I found myself broke ( yet again...) & it's only the middle of the month. The funny thing is I didn't even buy anything. It's just gone. I couldn't be spending it all on food cos I don't think I ate that much. Haven't bought anything for myself for the longest time, haven't been out clubbing or socializing, in fact have not been doing anything but sit on my ass the whole month & still the money just dissappear. It's like there's a hole in my purse.

I was probably richer when I was a student living on the allowances my dad gave me. Hack, I could even afford to sneak out of college & go out 3-4 nights a week back then. How I managed to do that, I don't now.

Truth be told, no matter how much one earn, it would never be enough. There's always something to buy, spend on, to pay....but why is it, when we earned much less back when we first started working, when we pay the same bills, buy the same things now, we are back to square one? Where did all that extra pay go? We ( by we, I meant ME) , always tell ourselves, a hundred extra would make so much different but would it really make a different?

Maybe at the back of my mind, I'm just getting feedup of not being able to enjoy my hard earning income (cewahhh....) but hey, maybe that's a sign of being an adult & taking a quote from Grey's Anatomy;

"We're adults!! When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?"

Things To Ponder

Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there?

Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

If you can't drink and drive, why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, and why do bars have parking lots?

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?

If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose?

Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?

If a black box in a plane is indestructible, why can't they make the whole plane out of it?

Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?

If someone invented instant water, what would they mix it with?

Why is it called a TV "set" when you only get one?

Why does your nose run and your feet smell?

Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it begins ringing?

If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?

Why does "cleave" mean both split apart and stick together?

Why is it, whether you sit up or sit down, the result is the same?

Why is there an expiry date on my sour cream container?

Why call it a building if it's already been built?

Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

What do sheep count when they can't get to sleep?

When you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?

Does fuzzy logic tickle?

How come wrong numbers are never busy?

Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

Why call it "take" a dump, when you leave something behind?

Why do we call it a hot water heater if the water is already hot?

If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty litter?

If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from?

How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

Is the color orange called that because it's the color of the fruit of the same name, or was the fruit called orange because that's its color? Which came first, the color or the fruit?

After eating, do amphibians have to wait one hour before getting out of the water?

How can there be self-help "groups"?

If a mute swears, does his mother make him wash his hands with soap?

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?

Instead of talking to your plants, if you yelled at them would they still grow, but only to be troubled and insecure?

Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Just before someone gets nervous, do they experience cocoons in their stomach?

It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial cost and blamed it on the cost of living.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Why is a pear called a pear when there is only one?

Why did God give men nipples?

Is grass really greener on the other side?

Do boxer shorts box?

Why do you wear a pair of panties and only one bra?

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

Why is it called a "near miss" when you don't hit something?

When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?

Before the light bulb was invented, what appeared over peoples heads when they had an idea?

If you spin an Oriental person around and around, does he become disorientated?

If a vegetable goes into a coma, is it called a person?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

If you wear an antennae to a wedding, would the reception be better?

If you put a chameleon in a mirrored box what color would it change to?

Why do people point to their wrist when they want to know the time? Do I point to my crotch when I want to know where the bathroom is?

If you were scared half to death twice, would you be 3/4 dead or 100% dead?

If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest end up drowning as well?

What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

If you asked a librarian where the books on self help were would they tell you, or would that defeat the purpose?

If ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine, why do we call it an ATM machine? And if PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, why do we call it a PIN number?